
Five alumni and an honorary alumnus received the prestigious recognition for excellence in their respective fields. SMC欢迎新成员进入体育名人堂. 阅读他们的故事,观看视频致敬,并看到从事件的照片.

by 校友活动办公室 & 事件 | 2024年2月5日


Saint Mary’s College proudly honors the recipients of the 2024 Distinguished 校友 Awards, a prestigious recognition bestowed upon outstanding individuals who have exemplified excellence in their respective fields and made significant contributions to society.


  • 特洛伊·纳利,86年年度杰出校友
  • annallouisa Gonzalez-Ortega, 96年,信众奖
  • 霍莉·乔希16届硕士,22届教育学博士, 优良服务奖
  • 作者Nishant Joshi MA ' 16, 优良服务奖
  • María路易莎·鲁伊斯96年,圣施洗约翰德拉萨奖
  • 马特Maiocco荣誉校友
所有六名获奖者在校友颁奖典礼- 2024年1月27日
盖尔人社区的领导人:左起, 马特Maiocco, María路易莎·鲁伊斯96年, annallouisa Gonzalez-Ortega, 96年, 亲爱的. 执行经理特洛伊Nunley 86届,冬青Joshi 16届,EdD 22届,作者Nishant Joshi 16届. /摄影:Cali Godley

从一群非常有成就的提名者中挑选出来的, awardees stand as shining examples of the transformative power of education and the enduring impact of Saint Mary’s College. 

“这些杰出的个人体现了卓越的精神, 社区, 以及定义了十大正规网赌平台遗产的服务,” 考特尼·卡米尼亚尼·安德鲁斯大学05级,07级负责校友活动的副校长 & 事件.

“的ir remarkable achievements serve as an inspiration to current and future generations of alumni, 展示了盖尔人对世界的深远影响. We are not only celebrating their individual accomplishments but also recognizing the collective success of our alumni family.”

Celebration and conversation: onstage at the Distinguished 校友 Awards ceremony on 1月27日 / Cali Godley摄

杰出校友颁奖典礼, 周六举行, 1月27日, provided a grand opportunity for the Saint Mary’s 社区 to celebrate their accomplishments and to recognize the continued influence of our institution on the global stage. 的 最新一批进入体育名人堂的人, 2011年男子足球队, Omar Samhan, 10岁, 乔克·兰德尔,18岁,也在这个仪式上获得了荣誉. 




尊敬的 执行经理特洛伊Nunley 把他的职业生涯奉献给了公共服务,在司法系统工作. Judge Nunley currently sits on United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, 2013年由奥巴马总统任命. Nunley, a former prosecutor for the Alameda County and Sacramento County district attorney’s offices and a former deputy attorney general, also served as a Sacramento Superior Court judge from 2002 until his appointment to the federal bench. Judge Nunley was honored in May 2023 as Judge of the Year by the Sacramento County Bar Association. 此外, 努利法官一直在指导, 支持, 指导, 多年来一直在培养律师和法学院学生. 除了在加州大学戴维斯分校担任法学院教授之外, 他在几所大学担任法律系学生的导师, 包括圣玛丽. 

的 Alumnus of the Year Award recognizes an alumna/us who has made a significant contribution to their professional field or has demonstrated consistent service to the College, 体现了十大正规网赌平台毕业生的精神和奉献精神.  





Annalouisa Gonzalez-Ortega was named Teacher of the Year by the Contra Costa County Department of Education in 2023. Gonzalez-Ortega has taught Spanish at Freedom High School in Oakley, California for 24 years. 超越了传统的课堂教学, 她指导和指导学生, 尤其是第一代学生, 迈向大学和更高的职业抱负. Gonzalez-Ortega organizes evening workshops for students and families to help them apply to college and for financial aid and takes them on college tours. 

Gonzalez-Ortega is a first-generation Mexican American who was raised by parents who always emphasized the importance of education. 作为一名高中生, she was turned away by her school’s counselor when she asked for help with her college applications. 不久之后,她接触到了 卢(巴勒斯特里拉)1972年毕业, 圣玛丽的校友和老师, 帮她申请大学并推荐她去圣玛丽学校的人.

信天翁奖, 意思是“信仰的标志”,” recognizes the alumna/us for outstanding participation in the goals of higher education, 本着基督教兄弟会创始人的精神, 所有教师的赞助人, 圣施洗约翰德拉萨. 



摄影:Laura A. Oda /东湾新闻集团

Holly and 作者Nishant Joshi have dedicated their professional careers to improving the public good and working in solidarity with those most in need of support. 在东湾地区停飞, husband and wife couple have decades of history in making a difference in their communities. 

冬青Joshi 已经制定了深入扩展湾区的服务, 特别是在刑事司法领域, 社会正义, 建立资产净值. 她曾在执法部门和非营利组织担任领导职务, 社会正义组织, 包括Glide SF和MISSEY组织, 旨在支持被商业性剥削的青年. She was recently named the City of Oakland's Chief of Department of Violence Prevention, 哪些解决了暴力的根源. 而在2021年,她做到了 在纪录片中出现 我依旧奋起 表彰她在反贩卖人口运动中的开创性工作. 霍莉的研究领域包括刑事司法系统的变革, 基于社区和替代解决方案, 预防和干预基于性别的暴力, 青少年发展. 

作者Nishant Joshi穿着阿拉米达警察制服

作者Nishant Joshi 在2021年被任命为阿拉米达警察局局长, a role in which he has implemented a data-driven approach to crime reporting and personnel assignments, 允许更聪明和更有针对性的警务工作. 他还监督了该部门从严重的人员短缺中恢复过来. Before taking on this role Joshi rose through the ranks at the Oakland Police Department, 他在1998年加入了哪家公司. 乔希曾在OPD担任过许多职务,包括减少犯罪官员, 黑帮和枪支特遣部队中士, 人力资源及训练科科长, 最近担任副局长. 

的 Meritorious Service award is presented to an alumna/us who has exemplified the mission of the College by commitment to service in their own 社区 or the College.  






圣施洗约翰德拉萨:María路易莎鲁伊斯' 96

Gerry Serrano拍摄

María路易莎·鲁伊斯 is more than a compassionate professor and student organization advisor; she is an inspiration, 一位导师, 一个帮助学生驾驭复杂的学生和校园政治的大姐姐. 世界语言和文化教授, 她也是拉丁裔和拉丁美洲研究所的主任, 她还担任过临时高级多元化官员. 鲁伊斯以善于合作而闻名, 合作, forging intentional partnerships for the benefit not only of the whole student body, 也包括教职员工. 她是为他人服务的典范, 在她的工作和校园生活的各个方面都坚定地承诺包容. First-generation college students in general and Latinx students who are first-gen in particular can depend on her to translate what it means to go to college and what they need to do to succeed; Ruiz also includes their parents in the process of learning in a wholly new and often intimidating environment. Her service to the College and commitment to inclusivity and diversity earned her the Saint Mary’s College Faculty Service Award in 2018. 

的 圣施洗约翰德拉萨 award is presented to a member of the faculty or staff who has, 在一段时间内, demonstrated a personal commitment to the students of Saint Mary's College above and beyond their employee responsibilities. 





马特Maiocco has been a committed and consistent supporter of and ambassador for Saint Mary’s 体育运动 for the past 15 years. Known to Bay Area sports fans as a trustworthy and insightful reporter and NBC Sports Bay Area's 49ers Insider, Maiocco也是盖尔的忠实粉丝. 除了是季票持有者, Maiocco经常在每年的田径宴会上担任主持人, 包括男篮揭秘晚宴和赛季末球队宴会. 他的参与为任何活动增添了专业和崇高的地位. 他曾作为官方旅游团成员参加过NCAA篮球锦标赛. 另外, Maiocco is an outspoken and ardent champion of Saint Mary’s men’s basketball and College on broadcast mediums like KNBR and social media. Maiocco has raised the profile of Saint Mary’s College among the many Bay Area sports fans.

的 亲爱的orary Alumnus award recognizes outstanding service and dedication to the mission of Saint Mary's College. 


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